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Help Us

Published on July 18, 2015


Help us, O God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for your name’s sake.  Psalm 79:9


I am sure at times that God gets disgusted with our behavior and our lack of seeking after him. I’m sure there are moments when he acts to bless us only because we are his people and we wear his name. But when we cry out, confessing our sins and shortcomings, he is still our Savior. Even when we are not what we should be, God can act out of compassion and preserve the glory of his name.


Holy and righteous God,  Savior and Abba Father, please forgive me my sins, rebellion, failures, and duplicity. Deliver me, not just from the consequences of my sin, but also from the mediocrity that permeates my commitment to you. Set fire to your holy zeal in me to seek your glory and the glory of your name. You alone, O God, are my Savior! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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By Phil Ware
Phil Ware from
– used by permission

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