“For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” Galatians 2:19-21 (ESV)
I have been busy lately – doing – so although things have been stressful and protracted, I thought I was fine.
This last Sunday arrived as a wake-up call as my body, mind and spirit came to a complete stop, the spirit-o-meter in my being read empty. I had some flu virus, which laid me out totally. Even breathing was an effort, with my ribs feeling sore. I sat still for twelve hours and watched Caroline move around me, whilst inwardly I prayed my fever would get no worse.
It was at this point that my inner-self reacquainted me that ‘he’ was not crucified and was definitely feeling limited by this lack of activity. He wanted this canister of a being to be well – now! I do not do being ill very well.
To my great surprise and rejoicing, on Monday, my recovery was progressive and so rapid that I went to work in the afternoon to cover my evening session, having earlier thought I would be off most of the week.
In the stillness of the Monday morning not yet well, but rising, I wrote a song. I began to ponder what it meant. God was tangible, like after a heavy thunderstorm the freshness of His presence permeated the room as His Spirit poured over my consciousness. For this moment, my mind was still so I could receive what I had been given and so I wrote it down as I played it.
…So you’re free to worship me, whenever you choose Even when you get the blues, lean on me…
Like Peter reaching for Jesus’ out-stretched arms as he sank into the waves, looking elsewhere is a bad idea. So today, I ask myself the question: doing is good, but for whom are you doing it?
PRAYER: LORD, I thank You for the gift of words through which we can touch each other even when we are lifetimes or oceans apart. I rejoice in Your patience with me that allows my approach even when I am too embarrassed to run forward. Grant us Your understanding of what is good, pleasing, proper and appropriate for You to reign in our lives. Amen.
by Rod Marshall
used by permission