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A Prayer of Intimacy

Published on March 6, 2022

Learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve Him with your whole heart and a willing mind.” 1 Chronicles 28:9 NKJV

Lord, I want to know You more, not just with my head, but intimately, in the depths of my spirit. I desire to live in You, abide in You, be fruitful in You, and have the fullness of Your joy as my portion. I have tasted of Your delights and know that You are good, help me now to feast with You at Your table. Help me draw near, to drink of Your Spirit, to delight in Your will, to walk in Your steps, to be in agreement with Your will, to take Your yoke fully upon me, and to learn of You.

I ask You to take me closer to Your heart—I want to know more deeply what it means to love You; I want to know more fully what it means to experience the pleasure Your company; I want to know more completely what it means to serve You as a faithful servant.

Lord, through my vision, help to see more clearly the things that You see through Your eyes; through my thoughts, help me to understand the things that You know in Your wisdom; through my tongue, help me to speak the words that are upon Your lips. By Your grace, I want to know the power of Your cross, the fellowship of Your suffering, the triumphs of Your victory, and the glory of a life that is seated with You at the Father’s right hand.

I ask You to make me more aware of the things that You celebrate and bring You pleasure. I want to do those things that cause You to say “I am pleased”; I want to follow the path that causes Your face to shine upon me; I want to do the work that has Your approval; I want to make the choices that will result in hearing Your “Well done.”

Scriptures: Philippians 3:8-10, 2 Peter 1:2-3, Song of Songs 2:10-13, 6:3, John 14:19-21, Psalm 119:18, I Kings 3:10, Colossians 1:19, Numbers 6:24-26, Matthew 25:21

By Roy Lessin
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

   A Call to Prayer- to seniors and those who are housebound but have internet.

•  Prayer – Asking Specifically

•  Salvation Explained

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