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Call Him

Published on June 27, 2023

“God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name.” Philippians 2:9

His footsteps are your guidance, call Him The Way.
His majesty is your worship, call Him Mighty God.
His presence is your delight, call Him Wonderful.
His truth is your foundation, call Him Rock.
His will is your purpose, call Him Lord.
His kindness is your comfort, call Him Shepherd.
His promises are your hope, call Him Faithful.
His riches are your supply, call Him Provider.
His fellowship is your reward, call Him Life.
His authority is your confidence, call Him King.
His return is your hope, call Him Omega.
His heart is your home, call Him Love

By Roy Lessin
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  HE IS! – a powerful poem about God

•  The Powerful Reality by Ruth Calkin

•  Salvation Explained


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