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Lord, We Are Needy

Published on July 21, 2020

Jesus, You spoke the word and the storm became still.
Lord, I need a word like that. Mark 4:39

Jesus, those who touched the hem of Your garment were made whole.
Lord, I need a healing like that. Mark 6:56

Jesus, You gave the spiritually hungry living Bread.
Lord, I need to be fed like that. John 6:48-51

Jesus, You placed Your hands upon the children and blessed them.
Lord, I need a touch like that. Mark 10:16

Jesus, You blessed the bread and the wine as You communed with Your disciples.
Lord, I need fellowship like that. Mark 14:22-24

Jesus, You said You go before Your sheep and they follow You.
Lord, I need guidance like that. John 10:1-4

Jesus, You sent the fullness of Your Holy Spirit to those who gathered in the upper room.
Lord, I need a filling like that. Acts 1 and Acts 2

Jesus, You promised a place in Your Father’s house to those with troubled hearts.
Lord, I need assurance like that. John 14:1-3, 27

By Roy Lessin
Used by Permission

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