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I Only Need You Lord

Published on September 9, 2019

I only need You, Lord, when the first light of dawn appears in the eastern sky until the last golden hues of the sunset fade upon the western horizon. I only need You, Lord, when the night sky is over my head.

I only need You, Lord, when I rise up and when I sit down; when I go out and when I come in; when I am quiet and when I am active; when I am alone and when I am with others; when I am healthy and when I am ill; when I am up and when I am down; when I am on the go and when I need to wait.

I only need You, Lord, when my lungs need to breathe; when my blood needs to flow, when my body needs to move; when my muscles need to work; when my mind needs to think, when my heart needs to love.

I only need You, Lord, for as long as birds need flight, for as long as whales need the sea, for as long as clouds need moisture, for as long as wildflowers need raindrops, for as long as sunflowers need the summer sun.

I only need You, Lord, for this present moment, for the moment when You take me home, for all the moments in-between, and for all the moments ever after.

In Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28 NKJV

Everything was created through Him and for Him…and He holds all creation together.” Colossians 1:16-17 NLT

By Roy Lessin
From: God Has Promised!

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