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Published on May 10, 2018

“And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (AMP)

We need no reservations about casting ourselves completely upon the resources of God. He is not like a bank with an empty vault, not like a fruit tree whose branches have withered, and not like a well that has gone dry.

If His resources were weak, we would be without strength; if His resources were depleted, we would be without hope; if His resources were limited, we would be without help.

If He had nothing, we would be empty…

If His care were insufficient, we would be in want…

If He did not possess all He has declared to be ours by His grace we could never become all He has promised we could be in Christ.

By faith we need to gladly, freely, fully, and gratefully cast ourselves upon His resources without reservation—He is the all-sufficient One Who never changes, Who never faints or grows weary, Who never slumbers or sleeps, and Who is the keeper of His people from this time forth and forever more.

By Roy Lessin
Used by Permission

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