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Return to Me

Published on March 24, 2024

The grace of God is amazing. His pursuit of us brings awe and wonder as we discover more about the depth of His love for His people. When we fail to trust Him, when we follow Him from afar, when we grieve His heart through disobedience, or when our hearts grow cold, God, our Father, does not give up on us. He convicts us, chastens us, calls to us, comes to us, and seeks to bring us back to Himself.

There is an ache that is carried in the heart of every child of God whose life has gone adrift. There is no joy or peace to be found when we step away from the light and walk into the darkness, or when we say “yes” to what pleases us and say “no” to what pleases the Lord.

One of the great sounds of God’s mercy to the ears of a hurting heart is His call to “return.” Even in the times when we have grieved Him most, God comes to us…He runs to heal the brokenhearted.

The desire of the Lord is to comfort His people who are in sorrow because of their sin. “Comfort, yes, comfort My people.” declares the Lord through the prophet Isaiah. Through the prophet Hosea, God calls out to His hurting people, “Return to Me.” Hosea also reminds us that, “In Him alone do the orphans find mercy.”

Are you hurting? Is your heart in need of healing? Do you need God’s comfort, His hope, and His restoration? Do you need to return to your Father’s arms?

Hear what the Lord is saying to you through the voice of His prophet Hosea…

My love for you knows no bounds…

I will be to you like the refreshing dew from heaven.

You will again blossom like the lily, you will send roots deep into the soil …your branches will spread out like beautiful olive trees, you will flourish and be as fragrant as the cedars of Lebanon.

You will live under the covering of My shade.

Your healing and restoration is in Me—I am the One who answers your prayers and cares for you…all your fruitfulness comes from Me. (From Hosea 4)

A Prayer of Returning:

Lord, I hear Your call to return to You. From my desert place I return to the dew of Your refreshment; From my vulnerable place I return to the shelter of Your covering; from my barren place I return to the fruitfulness of Your vine.

Thank You for unending mercies, for loving me without limits, for Your healing presence, for Your caring ways, for Your complete restoration, and for answering my prayer. Amen.

By Roy Lessin
Used by Permission

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