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The Beauty of Character

Published on February 27, 2022

“And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us.” Psalm 90:17 KJV


Like clay, our lives need to be formed, molded and shaped into the image of the One who created us. Godly character is not a gift that we instantly receive, but is something that is formed within us by placing our lives in God hands, receiving His grace, depending upon His Spirit and choosing to do what is pleasing in His sight.

It is important for us to pray that we, and our children, will not only know the Lord and follow the Lord, but that we will also be yielded to the Lord so that His character can be formed within us. No life is more beautiful than the one whose heart is filled with loveliness, whose attitudes are filled with kindness, whose words are spoken with gentleness, and whose behavior is marked by righteousness.

Lord, let our lives, and our children’s lives, receive and reflect your attributes and character.

By Roy Lessin
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Beauty – Take time to enjoy the beauty around that God gave you.

   Beauty out of Brokenness

•  Salvation Explained

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