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A Christ(mas) Meditation

Published on December 17, 2023

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

You have prepared your gift list. You have begun preparing your house for the holidays. Take time to prepare your heart to make room for the One whose birthday we celebrate. My purpose in writing this devotional is to “make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17).

Read Luke 2:1-20. Open your eyes anew to really see the Christmas story. Through these questions, meditate on its present-day personal applications. What does it say about God’s ways and your response? Ask God what he wants to reveal to you. You may want to do this meditation over a period of several days.

Luke 2:1-5 Examine the setting: Jesus came to a city. How would Jesus like to come to your city?

Luke 2:6 Compare this verse with Galatians 4:4-5, the Christmas story according to Paul. What does this say about God’s timing? Ask, What do I need to surrender to Your timing, Lord?

Luke 2:7 Reflect on the words “no room.” Where are your “no vacancy” signs?

Luke 2:8-9 Note that ordinary people were doing everyday things, and they saw the glory of God. Where do you need to see the glory of the Lord shine in your regular routine?

Luke 2:10 Fear not and joy no matter what! Ask yourself, How is this real for me?

Luke 2:11 Meditate on the third verse of “Silent Night.” How personal is the phrase “born for you?” Have you seen Him as Savior-babe as well as Christ the Lord?

Luke 2:7,12 Compare this description of Jesus with the one in Hebrews 1:2-3. What does this say about humility?

Luke 2:13 How can you praise God as a lifestyle?

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest and on earth– Have you ever seen the world vision in the Christmas story? What will it take for the glory of God to be seen in all the earth? What will it take for everything in your life to say “Glory in the highest?

Luke 2:15,16a Instant obedience. The shepherds saw Jesus because they obeyed immediately. What has God shown you lately that calls for instant obedience?

Luke 2:16 Surrendered expectations. The King of the universe came into this world in a smelly stable! What expectations of how God is working do you need to surrender?

Luke 2:19 Do you have a “Mary heart“? Do you ponder God’s ways in your heart?

Let God prepare your heart with fresh joy, anticipation, renewed peace, vision… with whatever you need most. As you sing “Joy to the World” this season, really hear the words. Don’t let the familiarity of this great carol lull you into neutral. Receive your King who has the right to rule in the hardest circumstances of your life.

Submit, bow your knee to Him, and say,

Yes, King of my life, I prepare You room and receive You. Reign in the midst of the world’s temporary insanity of the season and beyond. Rule in my heart and my family with truth, grace, righteousness, wondrous love, and glory.

By Sylvia Gunter
Used by Permission

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