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Seeing God’s Fingerprints

Published on April 10, 2019

Listen with your spirit to God’s Word.

Psalm 66:5Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man’s behalf!

Beloved one, I bless you with seeing your Father’s fingerprints on your life. I bless you with your Father planting reminders of himself and his majesty everywhere around you. I bless you with appreciating that the heavens declare the glory of God and everything around you proclaims the work of his hands. I bless you with remembering and celebrating his mercy and grace in all that touches you. I bless you with knowing that your Father has made everything beautiful for its own time. I bless you as he makes himself known to you more profoundly and intimately. I bless you with deep awareness that he has planted eternity in your heart.

Be in awe that the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end is so incredible. I bless you with knowing that your Father’s plans for your life are too numerous to comprehend or even imagine. I bless you with tracing his hand and understanding how particulars fit into his cosmic picture. I bless you with glimpses of his whole design, as his image within you longs to see the beauty of it all, to know the meaning of it all, to discern the ultimate purpose of it all. I bless you with grasping the strategy of heaven, at least in part, but I also bless your spirit to entrust your desire to know into his all-knowing.

I bless you with coming to your heavenly Father, with drawing near with your heart and your spirit to him. I bless you with seeing with fresh perspective what your Father has done for you, the awesome miracles he is doing for you. I bless you with seeing with thanksgiving and gratitude God’s working in your life and in your world. I bless you with celebrating the heritage of blessings your Father has invested in you. I bless you with counting your blessings, never ceasing to give glory to God as you were created to do. I bless you with fulfillment in joining the heavenly chorus of worship of your heavenly Father for his character, his availability, his Father-heart, his love, his mercy, and on and on.

I bless you, beloved one, with enlarging your spirit. I bless you with room to breathe free, to become, to grow, to fill the whole frame of God’s masterpiece of your life. I bless you with receiving your life from the hand of your Father. His plans are marvelous. I bless you to appreciate your awesome, overwhelming creativity and intricate design and the design of everybody and everything in your world. I bless you with more revelation into the plans and purposes of your Father’s heart for you, and in you, and through you, and for others, and for the place and community in which you live. I bless you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

by Sylvia Gunter
Used by Permission

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