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Psalm 91 – God’s Protecting Presence

Published on July 29, 2021

Psalm 91 Begins with: Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

One of my greatest privileges is to try to express what Psalm 91 means to me. There is no way to overstate its importance in my life and yours. God’s covenant promises in Psalm 91 are dear to his heart.  It deals with warfare, relationship, and intercession. In some Bibles, it is subtitled “The Security Of The One Who Trusts In The Lord.” I have stood in Psalm 91 many times, defensively to plead God’s shield of protection and offensively to push back the adversary, for myself and others. It is particularly powerful when prayed out loud.

Psalm 91 pictures Biblical confidence and poise. The heart of it is the protected place of abiding safely in God, as we run to our covenant position of settling down under His defense.  After establishing who God is, the psalmist describes the work of the enemy. Spiritual warfare is, first of all, about experiencing all the majesty and supremacy of God, who assures us that He is committed to defending us. His commitment is based on his deep covenant love relationship between Him and His people, which the psalm affirms and celebrates in the closing verses. We can confidently claim His rest, refuge, protection, safety, covering, faithfulness, freedom from fear, angelic watchers, deliverance, and salvation.

Take time today to meditate on Psalm 91 in several translations. Do word studies on it. I have written a verse-by-verse reflection on Psalm 91 many times. Write a personal paraphrase. Cross reference supporting Scriptures. Add other verses that God whispers to you that confirm and expand the truths in Psalm 91. Take them deep into your heart, spirit, and life-experience. Most crucially, apply them and see God’s power.

Pray,Most High God, my El Shaddai, teach me to be biblically fearless, based on my covenant love relationship with you.

By Sylvia Gunter
Used by Permission

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Psalm 91 in Prayer Essentials For Living In His Presence, Vol 1, page 209-211. © 2000 Sylvia Gunter.
There are also reflections on Psalm 91 on pages 60-67 and 173-174 of Prayer Essentials For Living In His Presence, Vol 2.

Further Reading

•  Hiding Place
•  God Provides for His Own
•  Salvation Explained

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