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Published on February 2, 2019

Mountains, how exquisite they are whether they are snow-capped, bare, covered in vegetation or just rising to touch the sky.

No matter how they look, they are magnificent and bear significance for us.  There are so many instances in the Bible where mountains were the focus and the voice of God was heard.  It was high up when Moses had wonderful moments with God, and Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John on a mountain.  As well as those incredible times, Jesus would often go to the mountain side to pray so they were very special to him, also.  We are so blessed if we have a mountaintop experience and some people are lucky enough to have more than one.  It is coming down from the mountain that is hard, back to the reality of our everyday lives, but that does not need to be so.

A mountain top is a wonderful place to be away from everyone, from the rushing of everyday life, the cacophony of sounds that are constantly surrounding us and the daily routines.  I have not hiked and stood at the top of a mountain and so do not have the physical experience of labouring with heart thudding and legs shaking, standing to view the entire panorama beneath me and seeing exactly what is behind me and ahead of me.  The exhilaration that must be felt and the sense that you are capable of attempting anything in life must be a small part of what we feel when we have a God centred mountaintop experience.

If we bring them to mind we can relive again and again the rapture of these times and so bring our experiences to others in the form of unconditional love, care and compassion.

In the words of Amy Grant:

But I’ve got to come down
From the mountain top
To the people in the valley below;
They’ll never know
That they can go
To the mountain of the Lord.

Prayer: Thank you, Loving One, for your generosity in all things.  Thank you that you allow us these wonderful moments where we can catch a glimpse of your beauty and your radiance.  Sometimes they may just be small glimpses through a haze, other times they transport us from where we are, to the heights of rapture. Help us to bring these experiences into the lives of others.  Amen.

by Terry Stead
Used by Permission

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