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The Small Stuff

Published on April 24, 2024

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Sometimes in life, it’s the smallest jobs that are hardest to get done.

I know in university, I would often forget small assignments because they seemed so insignificant. The teachers needed to make sure they were worth a good percentage of our grade; otherwise no one would have ever done them. Some students didn’t do them either way. As for me, I wouldn’t have completed smaller assignments unless they contributed to my grade.

I’m so glad God is not like me in that way.

Think of the “big assignments” God has — like taking the pains, sorrows, joys, and tragedies of all human history and weaving them into a great tapestry that will bring ultimate glory to His name forever. These huge concerns might excuse indifference towards the smaller things: us.

But instead, He goes far beyond indifference towards His creation. He loves people unconditionally, radically. He is able to hold together all of reality, moving it toward a glorious end, while promising good for each and every one of His children.

God doesn’t need our praise, He doesn’t need our good works, and He doesn’t need to be validated for a job well done. He is glorious, gracious, powerful, and just — whether or not we acknowledge Him or not. And yet, He cares. God pays attention to us, even though in many ways, it doesn’t make sense why.

May the beauty we see in God’s character ignite our desire to reflect His glory.

Father, please help me to see how all acts of love — big or small — are a reflection of who You are. Please remind me of this whenever I feel reluctant to show love to others. Amen.

Do you make a habit of only loving others when you can see the significance of that action? Ask God where you can show love today, in big and in small ways.

By Thomas Pujol
Used by Permission

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