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Miracle of Christmas

Published on December 17, 2011

by Terry Stead


Lord Jesus, at this time of year we so often get caught up in the mad frenzy of buying presents, writing cards and catching up with friends and family that we forget the true meaning of this Advent Season.  Help us to stop and reflect on the gift of your birth to all of us.  Teach us how to slow down and see the wonder and the glory of this time.  Amen

Bible Readings:

Week 1 –   Matthew 4:18-22
Week 2 –   Revelations 21:1-7
Week 3 –    Luke 1:5-25
Week 4:     Isaiah 49:13-26

Prayer Points:

–  Reflect and rejoice in the miracle of Christ’s birth
–  For those whom Christmas is a sad reminder of days past
–  Volunteers who help share their Christmas meal with others
–  For all who are lonely
–  Your own personal prayer points

Closing Prayer:

Dear One, during this Christmas month when my life seems to be permanently set on the spin cycle, please show me the miracles that surround me every day, so that I may become filled with joy and reflect on how enormous was the gift of your life on that first Christmas morning. Amen.

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