“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
Everyone has a worldview. And in North America, yours will be tested. You can use your influence to have a profound impact on our future.
As followers of Jesus, our worldview often runs counter to our culture. Our perspective is based on a belief in God’s Word, the Bible. That profoundly alters the way we look at the world. And it SHOULD!
Take for example, how we value life… all life: the unborn, the disabled, the infirmed. Because we believe in God’s Word, and He values that life, we do too!
Dear friend, join me in taking your worldview to each person who touches your life. It’s our duty as a Christian.
“Seeing all we have and all we are as temporal and having value only as they are used for what they were intended… for God’s glory.” – Pastor Bill Malick
“My definition includes putting absolutely everything I do, read, watch, or hear through a grid of asking myself if it is pleasing to God and complies with the Bible.”
– Peggi Bontekoe
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