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Brotherly Love

Published on August 23, 2011

by Vonette Bright

Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind”. Philippians 2:2

As a young child, Candy traveled extensively with her family – the singing Hemphills.
At every concert she heard about the story of Jesus and his love.
But sadly, she hadn’t yet committed her life to him.

Years later, her brother Trent grew concerned.
One day he challenged Candy saying,

I know the kind of life you’re living.
and the friends you’re running with don’t know the Bible.
it could be, you’re the only Bible they’ll read.
You’re the only Jesus they’ll see.

It was at that point Trent said he wanted to lead her to Jesus.
And Candy gladly agreed.
He held her and prayed with Candy as she gave her life to Jesus.

Yes, friend, you’re the only Bible that many will read.
Can they see Jesus in you?

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