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Divine Delays

Published on August 17, 2016

devotional online

We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.”   Psalm 33:20

Marlinda began to sense a problem with Tom.  But she loved the attention and fine restaurants.  Her date was a tall, handsome, charming lawyer-to-be.  He also professed to be a believer.

So she prayed for direction. Ultimately she believed God wanted her to end this storybook relationship.  She ignored that feeling and prayed again about her misgivings.  But the uneasiness continued.

Stubbornly, she kept on ignoring God’s subtle warnings.  But Tom’s charm was only an act to get her to give in physically to him.  Because Marlinda refused, Tom left her.

Years later, God’s perfect choice for a husband came into her life.  Marlinda Ireland came to see God’s “divine delay” was for her best.

Keep in mind dear one – God’s timing is always with your best in mind.

What is God Waiting For? by Marlinda Ireland

By Vonette Bright

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