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Don’t Miss the Unlikely

Published on November 19, 2012

By Vonette Bright

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:3 (NIV)

When Jesus called His disciples, He went to the unlikely and unlovable.

That’s what Shannon Primicerio ended up doing.  She spoke at a public high school Career Day.  While there, she met ‘Jimmy’ who was an outspoken agnostic.  His rude comments annoyed his peers and began to frustrate her.  But she heard God whisper, “Just love him.”

At the end of her talk, ‘Jimmy’ wanted Shannon’s email address so he could get writing advice.  And as he wrote to her, Shannon could tell he was hurting.  He felt unloved and unpopular.  So she wrote back complimenting his writing, including verses or other Christian thoughts at the end of each email.

In time, Shannon’s kindness wore Jimmy’s wall down.  He began to ask about God.  Friend, there is a Jimmy in your life …. love them, in Jesus’ name.

Being a Girl Who Loves by Shannon Kubiak Primicerio

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