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Dully Funks

Published on June 19, 2014

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2-3

Author Debora Coty calls them “dully-funks.”

They’re those joyless moments. Like when you’re knee-deep in laundry do-overs.

Or the baby’s screaming while your other child makes nail polish pictures on the bedspread.

Or when the phone rings, dinner is boiling over, and the dog needs to go outside NOW.

Well Debora felt like she was living in a black hole that consumed her Jesus-joy.

It was an overwhelming funk of spiritual dullness.

Then she finally turned to God in prayer.

Debora says,
Through diaper-by-diaper communication with my living Creator As He breathed His spirit and joy into me, I rediscovered my Papa God’s divinely-orchestrated levity of love all around me.”

Friend, don’t be overwhelmed by circumstances.

Talk to God and let Him fill your life with HIS joy.

By Vonette Bright

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