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Ego Problem

Published on February 23, 2011

By Vonette Bright

If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow MeMatthew 16:24

For some people, the teenage years are the most difficult.  But Family Life’s Bob Lepine says his teenage years were good.  Great friends, a cute girlfriend, President of his senior class, sang in choirs and a rock band.  But Bob admits he had an ego problem.  He said, “Because life was good, I thought I was good!”

But in college, he was no longer well-known or popular.  Then the Bible showed him God’s view of his pride.  He had been focused on himself rather than on God.  Christ changed his life one day when he became refocused and redirected.  Bob was then and remains today God’s workmanship.

I have a friend who says, “It’s not about you!” And she’s right.  Friend, God has a great and wonderful plan for you… if you’re willing to put your ego aside.

The Christian Husband by Bob Lepine,

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