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First Commandment

Published on October 30, 2017

Have you read the Ten Commandments recently?
Jesus said the first one is the greatest.
God declared that we must worship no one or nothing but Himself.

Jesus clarified further by saying,
You must love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.”
Matthew 22:37

At the same time, the Bible also says that no one can keep his commandments…
none of them!!!

Well one arrogant woman thought she kept all the commandments.
But she didn’t even keep the very first one!
You see, God’s laws make clear how sinful we are.
There‘s Good News for you and me, friend.

You can be made right with God by placing your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
Want to know how? Read:  How to Know God Personally

by Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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