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I Want to Follow You

Published on April 9, 2010

by Vonette Bright

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:18

JESUS Film workers were following up with an elderly Nigerian man.
They had been teaching the man for three weeks, and his wife had been watching.
She surprised the team by saying, “I have personally witnessed change in his life in these 3 weeks.”

His wife related how her husband used to drink excessively and never cared to stay home.
He also used to speak harshly to his wife. But all this changed!
She said, “Please kindly teach me, too. I want to follow you people.”
After praying to receive Christ, she and her husband began to worship together.

Dear one, what do people think when they observe your life?
Can they see God’s love reflected in what you do for others?
Live so that those who observe you see Christ in you and say, “I want to follow Jesus, too.

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