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Just Head Back Home

Published on October 25, 2011

by Vonette Bright

Christa Ann Banister refused to give up.
Her friends said, “Just admit your mistake and head back home.”
But Christa believed it was God’s will for her to be in Nashville.
Her dream was to write for the leading Christian music magazine.
But for over a year, they showed no interest.
Christa held to the Bible verse which says,

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

You see, God had a plan for Christa’s life.  He was working it out in HIS timing.
One day, a customer “happened” to walk into the store where she worked.
That customer worked for the magazine.  And, after interviewing, Christa was offered a job!

You see, friend, God truly has your best in mind, if you put Him first.
Even if His timetable differs from yours.

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