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An Inside Job (SMILE)

Published on December 13, 2011

by Vonette Bright

Most of us have dreamed of remodeling our home… that perfect place to entertain.

Well Becky found out it was much easier to dream than to do!  She purchased a rundown farmhouse with the idea of renovating it into her dream home.  But she learned some valuable lessons:
First, count on spending a small fortune.
Then, make sure you figure out how to heat the living room… before inviting your Bible study group over.
And… hire a professional to fix the plumbing.
But the most important lesson is that sometimes renovation is an inside job… your home and your life.

The Bible says, “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans 12:2)  Friend, begin your personal renovation project by giving your heart to Jesus.  He will remodel and renew you from the inside out!

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