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Houses of Ministry

Published on October 28, 2009

by Vonette Bright

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.� Hebrews 10:24

Within your four walls is so much more than a residence for your family…
It can be a house of ministry with eternal impact!
For example…

Carol regularly takes in foster children or the homeless.

Susie finds neighbors to minister to… like lonely seniors, divorcees, or women stricken with cancer.

Donna writes letters to hospitalized or home bound friends and includes her children in the task.

Carolyn invites neighborhood children to come to play with her own.

Then she’ll ask their mothers to come for lunch or coffee when it’s time to pick them up.

While Judy’s husband travels, she’ll invite another stay-at-home mom to join her for lunch or picnic.

Sandi invites international students to join her family on holidays.

Friend, share God’s love in tangible ways!
You will find an open door to tell them about Jesus!

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