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Sacrifices of a Mom

Published on May 9, 2009

by Vonette Bright

Christian DevotionalThe trio “BarlowGirl� shares God’s love with others through their music. 

But what some don’t realize are the sacrifices Mrs. Barlow made for her daughters.

One of them was questioned about who had touched her life most for Christ.  It was her mother. 

Mrs. Barlow made personal sacrifices to home school her daughters. 
Today, she’s both mom and manager. 

She encourages them in regular Bible study and prayer. 
She addresses anything she sees in them that she knows is not of God. 
Because of one mom’s Godly priorities, thousands today hear about God’s love. 

Be encouraged, dear one, if you’re called to make a Godly sacrifice. 
God can use it to change lives for eternity. 
For Mrs. Barlow and maybe for you too, being a mom is truly a full-time, spiritual calling by God.

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