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Not Abandoned

Published on October 13, 2011

By Vonette Bright

Susie Davis loved God with all the enthusiasm of a bubbly child.
But then at fourteen, she saw a fellow student shoot and kill their teacher in front of the entire class.

The incident left her feeling abandoned by God.

And that sense was far more frightening than the violence she witnessed.
Susie admitted, “On the outside I was very Christian in my behavior and attitudes, (But) deep in my heart, I was fearful and sad.”

Meanwhile, she prayed to understand God’s Word.
She read in Psalm 22 the reference to Christ on the cross.
Jesus, in the midst of suffering and feeling abandoned, recognized His Father’s perfect will.
When Susie acknowledged God’s holiness, healing began to take place.
She once again trusted God.

Friend, you may feel far from the Lord, but God never abandons you.

Loving Your Man Without Losing Your Mind (Regal Books) by Susie Davis

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