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Published on January 24, 2010

by Vonette Bright

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”
1 John 4:11

When Charlene met someone, she immediately thought, “This person needs Jesus.”
It’s a great thought, but sometimes come with the wrong motive.

Take, for instance, Charlene’s friend, Lisa.
They shared a common interest and enjoyed each others company.
But Lisa was beginning to feel uncomfortable in their friendship.
Charlene told Lisa about Jesus, yes.
But Lisa felt that if she became a Christian, Charlene would score another brownie point and move on.
Lisa finally admitted how she felt.
Charlene had never realized how she’d come across.
She apologized to Lisa and asked God’s forgiveness, too.

Friend, be careful of your motive in reaching out to others about Jesus.
A soul saved is not a brownie point, but someone for whom Christ died.

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