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Nothing Else But God

Published on December 3, 2011

by Vonette Bright

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.2 Corinthians 12:9

Mona Shriver was taken completely by surprise. Gary, her husband of 20 years confessed to a long-term affair.  She was devastated.

Mona says, “I had to totally rely on God because there were a lot of days that I didn’t think I was going to make it.”

Through those difficult months, Mona learned that whatever happens in her life, whatever her circumstance, God would–and did sustain her!

Was it painful?  Yes, it was.  And there were many times when Mona had to constantly remind herself of God’s promise in the Bible: “My grace is sufficient for you.”  She read it over and over.

It took some time and a lot of work, but Gary and Mona’s marriage was eventually healed.  And today they come alongside other couples in an adultery recovery ministry. God’s grace is sufficient for you!

Unfaithful, Rebuilding Trust after Infidelity by Mona Shriver:
The Shriver’s have ministered to couples in adultery recovery through Hope and Healing Ministries support groups since 1998.

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