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Nothing is Impossible

Published on January 7, 2012

by Vonette Bright

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.Mark 10:27

With God… nothing is impossible!

Vietnamese history changed in one night.
For the first time in that nation’s known history,
over ten thousand people publicly worshiped the true God.
And, the good news of Jesus was preached in public and on television.

But before that event,
the Christian band Re:zound was to audition before the Vietnamese government.
The officials hesitatingly agreed to the performance… with one stipulation.
Re:zound couldn’t play any video that contained the words “God” or “Jesus.”
But when the time came, the videos aired unedited!
A big storm was forecasted, so many people prayed.  And the concert went on without a hitch.
At the end, Re:zound even gave an invitation for people to receive Jesus.

Yes, friend, God is in the business of doing the impossible… in your life too!

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