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Praying for You

Published on July 25, 2011

By Vonette Bright

rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;” Romans 12:12

Mary was moved by the missionary’s report and offered to pray for her daily.
When a friend called Mary to ask if she’d pray for her, Mary readily said yes.
Mary told family members and co-workers that she was praying for each of them.
But the truth was that Mary would pray only when she thought of the person, but never consistently.

Does that describe your prayer life?
Sadly, it does for many.  So… let’s change that!
First, find a notebook or journal.  Take your first day to organize and pray for God to use this tool.
Write down names and requests.  Try to be specific.
Include prayer for your country and leaders.
Remember to enter answers to prayer and thank God for them

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