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Right with God

Published on February 24, 2016


Christy was in shock.  A drunk driver swerved into her lane, ramming her car.
Thankfully, she was only a little bruised.

But later that night, all alone, Christy couldn’t help but wonder… What if I had died?
She couldn’t sleep.  So she looked for the Bible her aunt had given her.

When she found it, she began reading where her aunt had inserted Christy’s name in Romans 3.
It said, “For Christy has sinned and fallen short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness, presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin, so that Christy can be made right with God when she believes Jesus sacrificed His life for her.

Christy thanked God for that gift and invited Him into her life.

Friend, what if today was your last?  Would you know where you’re going when you die?

By Vonette Bright

You can learn about how to invite Christ into your life at this link:

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