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Published on September 1, 2015

daily devotional

Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage, with great patience and careful instruction.2 Timothy 4:2

Presidential impersonator John Morgan and his wife are believers.
And God uses them to reach others for Christ.

On one flight John had the impression that he should speak with the flight attendant.
He said, “I was a little nervous at first and intimidated at the thought.
After striking up a conversation, John began to share his faith.
The attendant had questions and was curious.

Mrs. Morgan joined her husband and began sharing Christ as well.
John continued, “It was so exciting because I could see her softening throughout the course of the flight.

Before the Morgan’s exited the plane, the attendant had prayed with them to invite Christ into her life.

Friend, be sensitive to those around you.  God could be working in someone’s heart near you!

By Vonette Bright

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