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Shell Shocked Fragments

Published on November 27, 2010

by Vonette Bright

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

Seven-year-old Cathy felt betrayed by God. She was certain He had punished her and her family.  The security of her childhood shattered after her parents’ divorce and a judge split the family.

Yet despite the confusion and bitterness of those turbulent years, Cathy’s sister grew in her faith. Cathy looked up to her closest sibling. Late one night, Cathy told her how very lonely she was. She wanted to give her life to God, but didn’t know how.

Her sister patiently explained: If Cathy asked Him, Jesus would come and live in her heart.  She would never be alone again!

That night they prayed together and Cathy asked Jesus into her heart. Today, author Cathy Gohlke says, “Such peace flooded through me, peace like I’d never known!”

Friend, do you need peace? Invite Jesus into your life!

William Henry is a Fine Name by Cathy Gohlke
We’d gone from a rowdy family of seven to shell shocked fragments.

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