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Sincere Smile

Published on June 21, 2017

smile woman happy

A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words cause quarrels.”
Proverbs 15:1

Carol was a defiant woman.  Pride was her armor.  And anger was her companion.  She was a political activist.  She actually enjoyed wielding her fury.

People cowered under Carol’s verbal attacks. Except for Linda.

Carol hated her sincere smile and how she seemed unfrazzled by harsh words.  Carol confronted Linda and insulted her faith as a test.  Linda’s response was,  ”Jesus loves you, Carol.” and walked away.

Carol was shocked.  Inwardly she felt ugly and hateful.  That night, she broke down in tears.  She kept repeating Linda’s words, “Jesus loves you, Carol.”

Carol apologized to Linda the next day.  And asked about Jesus.

The One who could free her from anger and hatred.

Carol found release through her new faith in Christ.

Dear one, Jesus Christ can give you a new life today!

by Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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