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Thirst for God’s Word

Published on October 19, 2012

by Vonette Bright

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”  Matthew 5:6

Very early in Kathleen Carnali’s life, she began to look at God as her Father figure – Primarily because she didn’t have a father.

She had not been raised in a Christian home nor knew much about the Bible.
Then in her mid-teens she was given a gospel tract by a stranger on the street.

She read it and prayed earnestly for Jesus to come into her heart.
But for years she never attended church or knew any Christians.
Then her mother’s friend invited her to church.

Kathleen was exposed to God’s Word for the first time in her life.
She’ll never forget it and says, “I was like a baby getting its first drink of milk.”

Oh dear one, just like a baby needs milk to grow, so does a believer in Christ.

For daily faith-building nutrition, read God’s Word.  It does a body good!

Kathleen Carnali’s CD “Dangerous Prayer

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