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Weighed Down

Published on June 15, 2009

by Vonette Bright

Jan had Goggled “Christian Spa� and found a weight-loss group with a Christ-centered focus.
As part of the program, the group studied the Bible, prayed, and memorized scripture.
Finally, Jan had a great circle of Christian sisters to support her.
And her life was visibly changed.  She lost 100 pounds!

Friend, you too may be spiritually… and physically… weighed down.
Ask yourself this… Is Christ the focus and center of my life?
Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.�

You can’t achieve balance spiritually, emotionally, mentally, or physically
 until you’ve placed yourself completely under God’s control.
Remember, the Bible also says to give God first place in your life.
Then all your “everyday human concerns� will be met.

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