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Your Own Back Yard

Published on February 22, 2013

by Vonette Bright

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15

Toni had been inviting her neighbor Nancy on hikes, to scrap-booking and activities at her church.
She also told Nancy that Christ died for her sins and was one day coming back for His people.
Nancy admitted, “It didn’t turn me off when Toni talked to me about Christ.  That’s her way of life.
Toni talked about nature, crafts, and Jesus – and not in that order!”

Well, Nancy took Toni up on her offer to visit church.
And one Sunday, Nancy invited Christ into her heart.
You see, because of their common interest, Nancy saw Toni as she was, with no pretenses.

Friend, doing something you enjoy with your neighbors helps them see Christ in you.
They’ll discover Jesus is part of your way of life.
But He’s Someone they can know personally, too.

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