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All You Can Do

Published on November 25, 2021

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,”  James 1:2

Charlie lost both legs, his left arm, and all but a finger and thumb on his right hand from a terrible crash.  At first Charlie thought he could no longer do anything for God.  Painfully, he could still write. Could God use his limited ability?  Absolutely, yes!

Charlie wrote letters to prisoners. Because he couldn’t include his return address, the inmates had no way to respond. Charlie was tempted to give up. Then he was told a prisoner had requested that Charlie use the best paper possible. The inmate said, “Charlie’s letters are passed from cell to cell until they literally fall to pieces.”

Friend, when you think you have nothing left to give God, you’re wrong.

Use your God-given gifts and talents, experience, and encouragement to minister to others.

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Making a Difference

•  Fully Surrender to the Lord

•  Salvation Explained

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