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Coming Back to God

Published on June 4, 2024

Read: John 1

Cheri wondered, “Is this all there is?”

At 29, she was married, had two boys, and was attending graduate school.  But she still felt empty.
As a child, she lost her aunt, grandfather and father.
All within two years.  And her best friend died.  Cheri wondered, even then, if God really cared about her.

Now the question haunted her.  So she decided to look into the Bible.  When she read John Chapter 1, it suddenly made sense.  Cheri prayed to commit her life to Christ.  She began a relationship with God that continues today.

Friend, when it comes to prayer, nothing is greater or more important!  God wants to talk with you, if you just take the time.  Bible study and prayer will change your life.

Today, Cheri Fuller encourages women worldwide about the joy and the power of prayer.

Loving Your Spouse Through Prayer: How to Pray God’s Word into Your Marriage by Cheri Fuller

by Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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