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Forgive Again and Again

Published on August 7, 2011

You heard their cries for help and saved them. They put their trust in you and were never disappointed.”  Psalm 22:5

When Clay Crosse first admitted his sin to his wife Renee, she felt everything any normal woman would feel: anger, resentment, hurt; more anger.  She was becoming closed to him.  And every time he came to her with new information and a confession, it was like a fresh blow to a deep bruise.

But Clay was genuinely filled with sorrow over everything he’d done.  He had already confessed his sin to God and it was time to seek Renee’s forgiveness.

Oh, it wasn’t easy. But each time she chose to forgive him, God’s healing touch swept over her. Forgiveness bridged the pit of Clay’s sin and brought them back together.

Friend, take Psalm 22 to heart:  God hears your cries for help and saves you.  Put your trust in God and you will never be disappointed.

Out of the Ashes by Clay & Renee Crosse

by Vonette Bright
used by permission

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