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Remove the Hedges

Published on April 13, 2016


Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Linda was worried about her son Billy.

His friends were into heavy drinking and drugs, and dabbled in pornography.
Linda remembered when Billy was a sweet little innocent boy.
At age six he invited Jesus into his heart.  What a joyous event!
But now in his twenties, Billy troubled his mother.
Oh how she pleaded with God to protect Billy from harm.

Then as Linda studied the Bible, she read God sometimes used calamity to bring a prodigal son back.

So Linda changed her prayers and asked God to spare Billy’s life.
She knew God might have to bring Billy pretty low before he saw the filth around him.
On Billy’s lowest night he finally listened to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and returned to Christ.

Pray for your child.  But leave him in God’s hands.

By Vonette Bright
used by permission

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