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In Her Brokenness

Published on September 9, 2024

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.” Psalm 62:5

Author Carol Kent lived by her Daily  Scheduler!  You might say she was “just a bit driven!” classic workaholic.  In fact, her sense of accomplishment came only when she checked off the things on her ever-present “to-do” list!

But she tells of the day when a major crisis in her life left her totally heartbroken.  And there was nothing on her “list” that could fix it!  She says,

I discovered when you’re at the bottom emotionally and spiritually and all your resources have been used up, Jesus is enough!”

Now Carol calls herself a “recovering workaholic.”  She deeply feels the pain of others, weeps with those in despair… understands their hurt and their brokenness.

My dear friend, someone in your life needs you.  Today, put reaching out to that one friend right at the top of your “to do” list.  Show her Jesus!

By Vonette Bright
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