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Published on October 11, 2019

Beth’s prayer was to be used by God.  He had given her the gift of hospitality, but she thought it was just for friendly ‘get togethers’.  But could God use her social gift as an outreach? The answer was YES!

Beth explored the idea, and created a Hospitali-TEA (T-E-A) ministry.  Over a cup of tea in pretty porcelain, women open their hearts and slowdown from their frantic pace.  There’s time to laugh, cry, share, learn, listen, and hug.  Through her tea and talks Beth is able to lift women’s spirits and give them hope in Jesus.

Friend, God wants to use you too.  Explore the desires and gifts He’s given you.

Discover ways God can use you to reach others in His name. 

Investing your life in this way will yield eternal dividends.

[*Inspired by Laura Leathers and Dr. Patricia Ennis, author of Precious in His Sight, the Fine Art of Becoming a Godly Woman, and professor and establishing chairperson of the Department of Home Economics at The Master’s College,]

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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