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It’s Been Tough

Published on July 5, 2022

Psalm 68: 19 says,
“Praise the Lord;
Praise God our Savior!
For each day He carries us in His arms.”

Diane knows that God may sometimes use His followers to be His loving arms.

You see, Diane’s daughter, Annie, suffered for months with a paralyzed stomach.
The family searched long and hard for a cure.

They really needed God to carry them when they were down.
So God sent some of Diane’s friends to encourage them and help with chores.
Diane said, “That’s such an encouragement when you’re down and discouraged.”

Friend, make yourself available to God.
Be His loving arms by caring for and comforting others.

When we suffer, God becomes present to us by placing a friend’s arm upon our shoulders.

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

19 Ways to Encourage Others

•  Four Ways to Pray for Friends and Family

•  Salvation Explained

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