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Encountering Opposition

Published on May 16, 2011

by Vonette Bright

The LORD detests the use of dishonest scales,  but he delights in accurate weights.” Proverbs 11:1 (NLT)

After hearing my husband Bill’s lecture, a young man said adamantly,
I don’t believe in God or the Bible!
Bill discerned that his verbal attack was only a cover-up for his aching heart.
And God gave grace to see he wasn’t there to argue.
Bill discovered that the young man had not read the Bible in a long time and said,
Are you letting what you read when you were 12 influence your lifelong decision?”

Bill shared his own story of agnosticism from years ago, then what God had done since.
He told the young man about the love of Christ.
As he left, he signed our guestbook “A night of decision.

Dear friend, be generous with your compassion.
When you encounter opposition, ask God to give you grace and discernment.
May you be able to view them through God’s eyes.

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