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Persistent Prayer

Published on June 24, 2023

God hears your prayers, my friend!  No matter what the circumstance is—Matthew 21:22 says,

And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

An elderly Korean lady attended her church’s early morning prayer meeting every day.  And without fail, she brought her husband’s empty shoes.  She’d carefully lay them on the front pew of the church.  Then she would pray:  “God you know my husband needs to know You.  Please bring my husband here to fill these shoes!

One year—almost to the day she began praying—God answered her prayers.  There beside her in church—and wearing his shoes, mind you!!—was her beloved husband.  The same day, he put his faith in Christ.

Got a pair of shoes that need filling?  Bring them to your heavenly Father.

He hears and answers prayer!

C.H. Surgeon, “Confident expectation should keep pace with earnest supplication.”

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  How To Be Sure God Listens To Your Prayers

•  When God Answers Do We Hear? – by John Grant

•   A Big Picture Prayer Perspective –  by Allan Mitchell


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