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Prayer Changes You

Published on March 29, 2020

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

How many times have you asked God to change someone or something around you?  Maybe it’s your husband’s bad habits.  Or a parent’s abuse.  How about a co-worker’s verbal attacks?  Perhaps a teacher’s hard heart? Or a global crisis?

You really wish things would change!

Ruby used to pray like that.  She was reared by her aunt who was cruel and abusive.  Even as an adult, Ruby disliked being around her.

But as Ruby grew closer to God, He began to show her that her attitude wasn’t right.  And Ruby’s prayers changed.  She asked God to enable her to love her aunt.  Oh, dear one, it wasn’t easy.  Nor did anything happen overnight.  But prayer changed Ruby.  Today she’s able to show God’s love to her aunt.

Yes, friend, prayer changes people.

But don’t be surprised if prayer changes YOU!

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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