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Surrender Your Wounds

Published on August 25, 2021

“For God so loved the world so much that He gave His only Son so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 (Living Bible)

Sharon Hersh said,

The idea that SELF
must fix a broken SELF
with the very SELF
that got ITSELF into the mess in the first place
is SELF defeating!

The “mess” Sharon referred to was her addiction to alcohol.

You see, friend, when Sharon stopped drinking, she praised her SELF, not God.

And her self-healing was not permanent.

As soon as trouble came and her emotional wounds were opened again, she returned to alcohol.

But thank God, whose grace can break through our most enslaving behaviors!

Finally Sharon surrendered to God during an Easter Passion Play.

It was as if God whispered, ”Sharon, I give you My Son, My sacrifice,
My deepest wound to forgive and heal your deepest wound

Dear one, look to Christ, not to yourself, to heal the deepest wounds in your soul.

The Last Addiction: Why Self-Help is Not Enough by Sharon Hersh

“I must surrender to these truths every day. I cannot afford to miss one day

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Heaven: How to Be Confident You Will Go to Heaven When You Die

Reading the Bible – Where to Start?

•  Salvation Explained